Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
While we work diligently to share the Gospel Message with our neighbors and community, we also desire to be a part of reaching all nations. Presently we share in supporting several large mission organizations with a reach into South American, Europe, Asia, Africa, and beyond.

Current Mission Efforts
Argentine Mission
With a heart for the people of Argentina, Jane serves in many ways ministering to women in difficult situations, looking for THE WAY out into a redeemed life. Her work includes a radio broadcast dedicated to sharing the Gospel Message to all who have ears.
Saving Asian Souls
With the goal to rescue teens in Asia who would possibly become targets for human trafficking to other countries. We would provide a safe place to live, Bible teaching and vocational education, assist in finding work for these teens after developing work skills, and follow-up with the girls to be sure they are successful in life and active in the church
World Bible School
World Bible School has been connecting and studying with people across the globe for decades. Great effort and lengths are taken to ensure anyone that wants to study the Bible is matched with a teacher. There Bible studies are translated into multiple languages, seeking to make sure no one is overlooked.
Carlos Ingles
Carlos is serves in the inner city of Houston, TX as a bilingual minister. He oversees the distribution of food and clothing to hundreds of families as well as ministers directly to many Spanish speaking individuals throughout Houston.
Kings Crossing Prison Ministry
Kings Crossing Church of Christ has ministered in jails and prisons for 40 years. Their staff and volunteers conduct a wide range of efforts to assist offenders, family members and newly released offenders, including support groups.
Sunny Glen Children's Home
Located in San Benito, Tx Sunny Glen's mission is to provide a loving environment where children can heal from their past trauma and be restored to a new hope by the transforming power of God’s Love and the care from our dedicated team of childcare professionals.